Emergency Newsletter: Every Member of Congress Must Denounce Trump's actions against Zelensky
If they don't, they're telling the world this is America now.
Hi, friends. This is the letter I’m going to send to members of Congress on Monday. Feel free to use all or any part of it in a letter of your own, or, if you want to be added as a name at the bottom, let me know in the comments and I’ll add your name and your city and state. (I’m doing it as a Word doc so your names aren’t showing up here.) I’d like to get at least 100 signatures.
They need to hear from us. This is not how Americans want the world to see us. Congress could put a stop to Trump’s madness at any time. They need to be forced to see the urgency.
I could use some help in publicizing it because you know how bad I am at this! If you know somebody who knows ‘somebody’, please pass it along. I need all the eyes I can get. Thanks again.
(Note: If you comment but don’t ask me to add your name. I won’t. I’ll need permission from you.)
March 3, 2025
Dear members of Congress,
This is an emergency. Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is for all intents a Russian asset, a puppet for Putin. In a meeting on February 28 with Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president attempted to coerce Zelenskyy into ending the war between his country and Russia by threatening to end all American aid to Ukraine until he did. Trump lied about Zelenskyy’s efforts to save his nation, and he lied to him about what would happen if Ukraine didn’t submit.
He attempted to strongarm a beleaguered president of a country under siege by Russia, and he did it in front of the cameras for the whole world to see. There is every indication that this was a planned attack.
He used Russian talking points to hijack and sabotage an American ally, and afterwards he defended Putin, suggesting Zelenskyy ‘didn’t want peace’.
This is despicable. You, as members of Congress, have an obligation now to take this seriously, in a non-partisan way, as Americans bound by an oath you took to protect this nation from ‘enemies within’.
Donald Trump is the enemy within. He holds the office that is the highest in the land, yet he has abandoned all thought of upholding rules or laws that might get in his way of reaching his goals. His goals appear to be to tear down our form of government and to make us vulnerable and weak.
He has long admired and defended Putin and other despots and the language he uses on a daily basis reflects that. He studies them and uses their words. He sees them as admirable tough men, while every civilized nation on the planet, including America, sees them as the danger they are to humanity.
We can’t have a man like that in the Oval Office, making crucial decisions about our lives. Your job as leaders is to put a stop to it. So far, you haven’t done that. Now you must. The world is watching. Unless you intervene, they’ll see his support of Putin and Russia as support from America.
Donald Trump, in his role as leader of the United States, has personally chosen to turn against Ukraine, and unless you as a body put an end to his threats, he will work with Vladimir Putin to destroy that country.
Only Congress can stop President Trump from doing what he’s about to do. You must take his power away by throttling any action he thinks he can take, either by threats or by Executive Order. He is not our king. He is not even our president, judging by his reckless attacks on every essential governmental department so far. He is an out-of-control dictator, and, unless you inform him otherwise in no uncertain terms, he will only get worse.
You’re witnessing, along with the rest of us, what unleashed power does to a despot. The world is watching and they’re expressing their horror at what transpired in the Oval Office on Friday, 2/28. This is not how we want our allies to see us. We’re all citizens of the world.
Your equivocation sends a message to the outside world that you approve of what the president is doing, but worse, it sends a message to Vladimir Putin that if Donald Trump is in charge there may be no limits to Russia’s power over the United States.
You know what you have to do. Do it soon. This is your job. We’re counting on you.
Ramona Grigg, concerned citizen
BTW, is he really President? He NEVER had his hand on the bible ("his" bible???) when he was supposedly sworn in. Check it out. Did no one in that ceremony not notice?
I’d be honored if you’d attach my name, city & state to your excellent letter. I’m going to message you with my full name, etc. because I’m trying to tighten up on posting too much personally identifying info for all to see. Hope that’s OK w/you.
Thanks for taking charge on this.
One suggestion: maybe include a mention of the TASS (Russian state media) reporter who was live streaming from the Oval even though no one admitted to picking him or approving him to be in the pool. This happened while Reuters & AP were denied access.
Thanks again!