Sep 25, 2022Liked by Ramona Grigg

An infestation of mice led me to using an extermnator and later contracting with them so they send a representative to my house every four months. I feel bad, but the other rodents in my neighborhood, squirrels and chipmunks, don't try to sponge of me. They scurry around outside finding acorns and other goodies and they're cute. A mouse in the house is not a good thing. They don't belong in human houses. Be ruthless.

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Thank you! I want to be ruthless, I really do, but other than bugs and flying things, I've never killed anything before. That's why I want to pretend I'm giving them candy, not poison, LOL.

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Oh, Ramona, I can SO relate right now. I've been in this apartment nearly 22 years and for 18 of those years, my cats kept the rodents at bay. Now we're sans cats and predictably we've had numerous mouse visitations.

Mice are annoying but now we've got a rat and it's HORRIFYING! We've seen it several times and found rat poop in the living room. The exterminator came and put poison in holes that he plugged up. The rat is still here. AleXander has gone all out in plugging every possible crevice and teensy hole.

Here's to us all being able to live rodent-free!

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Ugh! I don't even want to think about rats! Have you tried the scents? Vinegar, mint, cinnamon? I'm about to. Can't hurt.

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We'll try ANYTHING! Keep me posted on how it works (or doesn't) with your critters.

Hugs, Ramona.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Ramona Grigg

Be brave Mona. You’ve got this! Thank you for making me chuckle🥰

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You're all onto me now. Looks like that 'brave' act was just an act. Exposed by a couple of dead mice! The shame!

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It's the responsibility that's weighing on you, the feeling that everything is on your shoulders. You knew what Ed was doing to keep your home pest-free but you could ignore the ramifications because you weren't involved. That's changed. It's a heavy burden indeed and I am very sorry you have to shoulder it. I wish you didn't have to.

Since I lost my beloved BIL, I've thought a lot about how my sister now has to do everything. She can do it - just as you can - but she doesn't want to. I can relate a little, going back to days when my husband was traveling for work. It seemed like everything waited until he was gone to fall apart and I had to deal with it. One time, I found a dead bird on my literal doorstep. I didn't want to deal with the carcass and even went so far as to consider asking a neighbor walking by to help. But I didn't. Another time I couldn't open a jar and considered asking some nearby workers if they'd help. But I didn't. Both times, I figured it out and was proud. But I didn't want to deal with those things. Still don't.

Eloquence aside, it just sucks. Hang in there!

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Ah, my wise friend, you're no doubt right. I liked it so much better when we shared responsibilities by dividing them. Now, unless I can bring myself to ask for help, it's all on me. I HATE asking for help, and that's something I need to get over, as well.

It irks me that I'm being such a baby about this. They're mice. They're dead. They can't hurt me. So what's going on? Is it the 'death' part? I don't know, but I see my neighbor's car out there and he'll do it for me without a second thought. Now all I have to do is decide to ask.

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People often enjoy being asked to help because they like feeling needed. It's OK to ask but it's also OK to decide to do it yourself. Once you get over the hump, it may not seem like as big of a deal. You're not being a baby. This is tough stuff!

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With rodents, I harden my heart and get the exterminator. A shame because I would like to practice Buddhism as a philosophy and wantonly killing anything really damages good karma. With reptiles - oh God, with them, I just run the other way!

We have rabbits in the garden, and like Mr.McGregor, I put up wire, pieces of timber, anything to protect my much loved patch.

When birds hit the wide glass windows, I rush to pick them up before the terrier reaches them and I place them on a large round bale of lucerne hay in my garden quarters. There they can regain their breath, flutter their feathers and sit safely until they can fly away. Thus far, I've saved wrens, parrots and a tawny frogmouth. I figure this must surely balance my rodent-damaged karma.

Maybe you could get a cat. Then you shift the moral responsibility away to the feline...

In any case, harden your heart. Living in the sticks requires a whole other mindset, doesn't it?

Love this post!

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Call Peggy she removes them in the trap for me! Try placing Bounce sheets in cupboards and drawers and put out the mouse candy. If we could only charge those little buggers rent!

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I love animals. I love creation. But I don't mess around with mice 😂 Seriously, I would just set the poison out and be done with them. I'm going to have to do that soon with our camper to make sure they don't try to move in again this winter. The mess after last winter was not fun to clean up.

When we moved into our fixer-upper 12 years ago, we had a massive mouse problem. In fact, I wrote a few blog posts about in my first blog. I don't have many qualms about getting rid of them anymore.

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