I'm glad you're going to try and at the same time I also firmly hope you're going to also try to be extremely careful for your mental health sake! You are important to me and many other people!!!
Thanks, Sue. If I had published what I wrote early this morning, when I was in a spitting rage over Trump’s response, it would have been far different. Instead, I found other things to do and let it rest. I thought about it all day and finally finished it after dark. I’m glad I waited. This is how I really wanted it to read. So, yes, I’m going to try to be in charge of my mental health! ❤️
Thank you for writing about and sharing the entire video, Ramona. I gleaned something about this on the Borowitz Report today but when I tried to find more information on what was actually said or who said it, I came up empty-handed. Your reporting set me straight. This is the first time I forced myself to sit and watch the orange menace since before the election but it was worth watching, mainly for the reaction of other members of the family and the Vances. I found it especially interesting to watch the reactions of Melania and Usha, both immigrants not so long ago.
Bishop Budde’s words were so gracious and kind. Such a contrast to his nastiness. Nothing new though for Trump as he has no love in his heart. I loved her response as to whether she would apologize. A shero for sure!
I sent Bishop Budde an email thanking her for her courage and her compassion. I also thanked her for being the model of what a Christian should be instead of (as is all too common these days) a performative one. I hope she gets my words of support among what is sure to be a wave of hate. Sigh.
What have we become? Or were we always this way and some people were just better at hiding it?
As I said in my last post, look for the helpers. She’ll be right up front in the years ahead, a leader as we try to make sense of the cruelties inflicted by our so-called leaders who will have the support of millions of Americans.
Have we always been like this. Underneath, yes. I lived through the McCarthy witch hunts and the civil rights movement, where unreasonable hate surfaced with tragic results. And of course WWII.
This is shocking and scary, but we’re not all hiding or sticking our heads in the sand. My sincere hope is that Trump’s days in the White house are miserable. We can all help to make it so by never letting him get away with anything.
Misty, thank you for writing Bishop Budde. I’m still processing this week but I’ll definitely be following your example.
I want to respond to your most thoughtful question as it’s something I’ve been thinking and warning: What have we become? Or were we always this way and some people were just better at hiding it?
I too think we’ve always been like this, believe there’s been some progress, but the 24/7 news cycle, Internet and social media are also making things more visible even while they change people.
Human brains are being rewired and reshaped by a social media model operated by Big Tech for obscene amounts of profit. This tech business model —technologist Lanier in 2018 calls it BUMMER—has done and is doing a lot of good such as given us online communities, meaning, and purpose but it’s also made many people addicted to social media which rewards and amplifies anger, fear, negative stuff. In this process, many don’t know what’s truth anymore, live in false information realities which leads to less empathy and lower ethics, all sadly with real world consequences.
*BUMMER, Behavior of Users Modified and Made into an Empire for Rent. Jaron Lanier. 10 Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.
When I heard her speak, I was reminded of Dr. King and how he was treated. The president’s reply sounded more like Governor Wallace. History is rhyming.
I think Bishop Budde was speaking to all of us as much as to him. She’s showing us how to be courageous and speak truth in this era when we all need to do that. A beautiful example of what we can all do, in our own lives.
Thanks for your message. I wish we had a president who wasn’t acting like a baby. Rev. Budde didn’t say anything in a “nasty” way, and the sermon was normal and Biblical-based. That anyone would criticize her or say she’s a bad pastor is just plain wrong. If that sermon made President Trump uncomfortable, perhaps he protests too much. Here’s my latest poetry take on this:
I feel compelled to ask the right wing Christians who have embraced President Trump as their leader and spokesperson exactly what part of Bishop Budde's homily do you take issue with? Sounds like Jesus' playbook to me. If they need a refresher course on the Gospel, start with "Love one another as I have loved you."
Thank you for making this part of the record Ramona. We need to mark our path along the way, as we walk into the unknown, so we can find our way back. CF45 has always criticized things and people without evidence. He hets away with this awful behavior and it’s just accepted, without question, pushback or follow-up. He’ll name-call someone into the ground so he can feel superior for a few seconds because he knows he’s a loser. He needs the external world to constantly tell him he’s not. He is a bottomless pit of need that will never be filled.
We’ll need to throw every obstacle in his path. Never make it easy. Some of it will stick. Not all of it, but some of it. Enough to let him know we’ll never be silent, we’ll never back down.
Thank you so much for making thus record! I deeply appreciate you!!!!
I didn’t do enough of this during Trump’s first debacle. I’m going to try to do more this time!
I'm glad you're going to try and at the same time I also firmly hope you're going to also try to be extremely careful for your mental health sake! You are important to me and many other people!!!
Thanks, Sue. If I had published what I wrote early this morning, when I was in a spitting rage over Trump’s response, it would have been far different. Instead, I found other things to do and let it rest. I thought about it all day and finally finished it after dark. I’m glad I waited. This is how I really wanted it to read. So, yes, I’m going to try to be in charge of my mental health! ❤️
Oh I'm relieved to hear that!!!!! Thank you!!!! I'm trying hard to do the same...
He and his cronies did walk into her church.
I know! What were they thinking! Like lambs to the slaughter. 😄
Thank you for writing about and sharing the entire video, Ramona. I gleaned something about this on the Borowitz Report today but when I tried to find more information on what was actually said or who said it, I came up empty-handed. Your reporting set me straight. This is the first time I forced myself to sit and watch the orange menace since before the election but it was worth watching, mainly for the reaction of other members of the family and the Vances. I found it especially interesting to watch the reactions of Melania and Usha, both immigrants not so long ago.
Bishop Budde’s words were so gracious and kind. Such a contrast to his nastiness. Nothing new though for Trump as he has no love in his heart. I loved her response as to whether she would apologize. A shero for sure!
She’s wonderful. We’ll be looking to her throughout this mess.
I sent Bishop Budde an email thanking her for her courage and her compassion. I also thanked her for being the model of what a Christian should be instead of (as is all too common these days) a performative one. I hope she gets my words of support among what is sure to be a wave of hate. Sigh.
What have we become? Or were we always this way and some people were just better at hiding it?
As I said in my last post, look for the helpers. She’ll be right up front in the years ahead, a leader as we try to make sense of the cruelties inflicted by our so-called leaders who will have the support of millions of Americans.
Have we always been like this. Underneath, yes. I lived through the McCarthy witch hunts and the civil rights movement, where unreasonable hate surfaced with tragic results. And of course WWII.
This is shocking and scary, but we’re not all hiding or sticking our heads in the sand. My sincere hope is that Trump’s days in the White house are miserable. We can all help to make it so by never letting him get away with anything.
Misty, thank you for writing Bishop Budde. I’m still processing this week but I’ll definitely be following your example.
I want to respond to your most thoughtful question as it’s something I’ve been thinking and warning: What have we become? Or were we always this way and some people were just better at hiding it?
I too think we’ve always been like this, believe there’s been some progress, but the 24/7 news cycle, Internet and social media are also making things more visible even while they change people.
Human brains are being rewired and reshaped by a social media model operated by Big Tech for obscene amounts of profit. This tech business model —technologist Lanier in 2018 calls it BUMMER—has done and is doing a lot of good such as given us online communities, meaning, and purpose but it’s also made many people addicted to social media which rewards and amplifies anger, fear, negative stuff. In this process, many don’t know what’s truth anymore, live in false information realities which leads to less empathy and lower ethics, all sadly with real world consequences.
*BUMMER, Behavior of Users Modified and Made into an Empire for Rent. Jaron Lanier. 10 Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.
She was brilliant. And brave,
It didn't take much to realise what his response would be. Have a look at the hate manifest in the faces around him. It says it all.
The oligarchy is here. It's Imperial Rome all over again.
It’ll be awful. I hope we don’t back down or let up. It’s going to be exhausting.
If you want to send the bishop a thank you card for her message yesterday. Here’s her address:
The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde
Episcopal Church House
Mt. St. Alban
Washington, DC 20016-5094
Thanks! Great idea. ❤️
You’re welcome. We need to support people willing to speak out. Like the bishop and you, Ramona. Thanks for your post.
Bishop Budde is a national treasure. She said what needed to be said.
Burned into our brains, her quiet fire and solid brimstone.
When I heard her speak, I was reminded of Dr. King and how he was treated. The president’s reply sounded more like Governor Wallace. History is rhyming.
I think Bishop Budde was speaking to all of us as much as to him. She’s showing us how to be courageous and speak truth in this era when we all need to do that. A beautiful example of what we can all do, in our own lives.
So true, Mary. May we all speak when we need to.
Thanks for your message. I wish we had a president who wasn’t acting like a baby. Rev. Budde didn’t say anything in a “nasty” way, and the sermon was normal and Biblical-based. That anyone would criticize her or say she’s a bad pastor is just plain wrong. If that sermon made President Trump uncomfortable, perhaps he protests too much. Here’s my latest poetry take on this:
Thank you. Your poem is perfect!
Thank you for commemorating this.
I feel compelled to ask the right wing Christians who have embraced President Trump as their leader and spokesperson exactly what part of Bishop Budde's homily do you take issue with? Sounds like Jesus' playbook to me. If they need a refresher course on the Gospel, start with "Love one another as I have loved you."
Thank you for making this part of the record Ramona. We need to mark our path along the way, as we walk into the unknown, so we can find our way back. CF45 has always criticized things and people without evidence. He hets away with this awful behavior and it’s just accepted, without question, pushback or follow-up. He’ll name-call someone into the ground so he can feel superior for a few seconds because he knows he’s a loser. He needs the external world to constantly tell him he’s not. He is a bottomless pit of need that will never be filled.
We’ll need to throw every obstacle in his path. Never make it easy. Some of it will stick. Not all of it, but some of it. Enough to let him know we’ll never be silent, we’ll never back down.
Our goal is to make him miserable.
Where does he get such bizzare, nasty ideas? Who taught him wrong?