Well said, Mona! I think that the delicious irony in this case is that, it was two WOMEN, who took him on, in a court of law, and convinced a jury to FINALLY hold him accountable, to the tune of 5 MILLION DOLLARS!! It would be the ultimate, joyous, justified revenge, if they were to launch ANOTHER lawsuit against the fool, for his continued defamation of her again on Wednesday night! Not only is he a criminal, he’s DEFINITELY a slow learner! 🤣😂

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I loved this! It was beautifully written and hit the nail on the head of one DJT. And yes, the $5 million judgement is awesome but I'm withholding my glee until it's actually been paid. I'm also managing my expectations about how many consequences he'll actually pay. I don't have much confidence that ANY white, well-off Republican, especially one with any power, will pay the price they should. How far down have we gone where we not only suspect our justice system is for sale but we know that it is? Very enraging and scary.

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I did watch a part of the clown show, til I couldn't any longer. I erroneously thought it would be a real town hall with dissenters and straight forward questions. Silly me!! From the day Donald Trump came down the elevator in 2015 - my stomach has been in a turmoil. He has violated every value and belief I had about honesty, kindness, and integrity. So, I hope you are right about things finally catching up with him. On a hopeful note, I watch Nicole Wallace on MSNBC and she is actively discussing how the media is going to handle him and this go round.

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You hit the nail squarely on its head with this observation,

"But he’s a weak man, a pretender, and he can’t go on hiding his weaknesses behind a clown face forever. He was never a president. He’s not even a comic imitation of a president. He’s a menace because he isn’t serious, and he isn’t serious because that would require studying and contemplation—two things Trump could never pull off."

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