Mar 8Liked by Ramona Grigg

Thanks for reminding us of this, Ramona! Go Joe!!

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Mar 8Liked by Ramona Grigg

You were with me in spirit as I watched President Biden deliver the State of the Union. Finally, there's the U.S.A. I remember-the values that shaped me and the goals to be achieved. I no longer felt like a stranger in a strange land. He can win and the women's vote will give him wings.

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I was almost afraid to watch the SOTU address last night, but once I started I was glued to my seat! Except those times when I was cheering. Ha! It was brilliant. Now if we can just keep that momentum going. It's early and it won't be easy but there's such a need to keep those stark differences right up front. This is what they're going to do TO you. This is what we're going to do FOR you.

Nothing could be clearer. And yes, I think women are going to be the deciding factor. It's pretty clear that the Republicans want to send us back to the kitchen.

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Mar 10Liked by Ramona Grigg

“I was almost afraid to watch the SOTU address last night”

That’s the fear we have to NOT succumb to. The presumption that Biden is not going to do well. It’s baseless and comes entirely from believing the “Biden is old”-type lies the Republicans are trying to get us to buy into.

We must not do their job for them.

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You're right. Which is why I even mentioned it. It's too easy to slip into that ridiculous prevailing notion--that Biden will mess it up. His minor gaffes are nothing compared to the major disaster that is Donald Trump, and the more we emphasize that glaring difference, the more likely we'll be able to 'normalize' Joe instead of normalizing Trump.

This is who Joe is. This is how he gets the job done. This is why we'll vote for him come November with a heart full of pride, wondering 'what the hell...?' at those who say they're doing it holding their nose.

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Mar 8Liked by Ramona Grigg

I almost skipped it too! I'm so glad I didn't. Brilliant indeed and I'd like to just go ahead and vote now!

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Me too. The next months are going to be insane!

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“I almost slipped it too”

That’s the fear we have to NOT succumb to. The presumption that Biden is not going to do well. It’s baseless and comes entirely from believing the “Biden is old”-type lies the Republicans are trying to get us to buy into.

We must not do their job for them.

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Mar 8Liked by Ramona Grigg

A great reminder, Ramon Grigg. Last night’s SOTU speech gave us all a jolt. Joe was terrific! It’s time to stop the hand wringing and moaning. Let’s face this fight and give it all we’ve got.

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I hope it does what it's supposed to do. Voters tend to have short memories and the propaganda machine is just getting revved up.

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Mar 8Liked by Ramona Grigg

Can we shelve the Depends?

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Mar 8Liked by Ramona Grigg

I know and I've had enough of the "T" word.

Biden delivered what was desperately needed.

No need to debate.

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Beware of today's polls... most are online, opt-in questionnaires that appear on commercial sites and are designed to get clicks. It costs nothing to put a poll online and let anyone answer as many times as they like here or outside the country. Reliable polls require carefully vetted questions that aren't ambiguous, statistical selection of representative voting populations, and high-level mathematical interpretation. The results don't get propagated because they aren't presented as click bait.

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Polls are such a bad indicator, especially this early. I really hate them. When the press and the pundits rely on polls they're taking the easy way out. Stick with the facts. Who offers the best solution for our country's problems? I don't care what a handful of the population thinks. It has no bearing on anything.

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Give 'em hell, indeed! I remember getting weepy during Biden's inaugural address, and the same is true again. He is resolute. I can only hope that it ignites those whose flames have gone dim. "...never underestimate a president who, against all conventional wisdom, against popular opinion, sees a future with him in it because he HAS to be in it." Hear, hear!

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I was somewhat encouraged after last Joe's last night speech. He clearly demonstrated the differences - strong, confident, and very knowledgable. Once again there was no question in my mind, who the right choice was - if I ever doubted and I didn't - hopefully others got that same message.

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"That idea went up the chain without anybody apparently knowing that Ike was a conservative Republican" It was a little more nuanced than that. Ike wasn't anything at the time. see millercenter.org/president/eisenhower/campaigns-and-elections

Unless the Democrats do something, we're in for another nail-biter, just like Truman-Dewey. And this time it might be Trump holding up that paper and grinning like a baboon. One way out? Biden chooses (brace yourself) a Republican for running mate(!). Why not? There are plenty of anti-Trump Republicans ready to go, and it would put Biden over the top.

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Gawd no! There isn't a single Republican worthy of being Biden's vice president. Not to mention he already has a vice president who's doing just fine.

Perish the thought!

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Strategically, Harris is no advantage. Ya wanna win Ramona or be right? : )

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We'll win. Move along.

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Pick a card any card. There's some here more Dem than Repub : ) Thanks for engaging


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When they become Democrats and allow many years to pass and they behave themselves, then maybe Democrats might consider them. Right now Republicans are on our shit list and for good reason. Not gonna happen.

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"Hate, anger, revenge, retribution are the oldest of ideas." --Joe Biden

My family and friends are voting for you, Joe, and your "young ideas."

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Great line, wasn't it? Among many great lines at SOTU.

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Ramona, I just read this as I'd saved it at the time. I particularly love this comment: "Looking back, it was probably the beginning of my political awakening and, to this day, whenever the Democrats win I feel safe." That's how I've felt my entire life as well.

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Thank you, Kirie. Solidarity! ❤️

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Thank you for re-sharing this cheering post!

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