So well said and so true, as well as sad and frustrating.

We will continue onward as we're moved to do.

We can each do our part and honestly, that's all we can do.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Ramona Grigg

As you noted liberals/progressives see a legitimate roll for government. When I read about a 16 year old Guatemalan boy killed when he was sucked into the food processor he was cleaning at a meat producer I am reminded that usually there is too little government regulation not too much.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023Author

Exactly, Rich. The calls for a diminished government start with those who benefit most from fewer rules and regulations. They also hold the money strings.

If we don't do something to change that, soon we'll be living in a country where the rich make the rules and the rest of us will have to live with them.

A strong, healthy government can stop that.

Thanks for joining the conversation!

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My parents were Republican and so was I - until I couldn't be any longer. I used to be proud to be an American - not so much any more. I thought we, as a country, had a set of values and ethics that cared about people and worked together to meet a shared set of goals. Guess not. Time for a change, I would say.

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I still have faith in Americans. This seems like such an anomaly--so unlike the America we grew up in. If it could swing this far to the right, it can swing back again, and I believe it will.

They're electing Democrats in places where it counts--Michigan and Wisconsin, for example, and in other places where it didn't seem possible a few years ago.

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I have hope that Americans will see the light before it is to late. I do agree with your point - Michigan, in particular, seems to be doing a fabulous job. . .and might I add the governor and attorney general are women.

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Also the Secretary of State. Those three women are dynamos!

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We need a landslide ro show people what liberals can do. Let’s vote for one!

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