
Happy just-another-day. In solidarity.

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I laughed. It’s the one day children feel compelled to say thanks. They feel so proud they did😎

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So true! 😏

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May 12·edited May 12Liked by Ramona Grigg

Yes, I'm braced for the semi-obligatory phone call and wondering why I dread it. My 38yo child is funny and smart and competent and kind, and it's nice to hear from him, but... I think it's the performative aspect of these commercially sponsored days set aside to Show Mom Your Love.

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I hate to admit that 'dread' is the proper word for it. Not that I don't like hearing from them, but they do this out of duty. Maybe they have better things to do. Maybe they woke up today remembering it's that day and they'll have to remember to call me. Maybe they'll keep putting it off until their guilt gets the best of them and they finally do it.

Because it's Mother's Day. 🙄

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Here’s the thing though, once your gone you’ll be thought of and remembered so much more often and so much more preciously than they knew possible. Take it from one who knows. 😔🙂

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I know. I feel that way about my own mom and dad, and about Ed's mom and dad. I loved them all so dearly. I do remember, though, that there were many times I resented having to make sure we acknowledged those Mothers Days and Fathers Days throughout our lives together. Even back then they felt phony and unnecessary.

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May 12Liked by Ramona Grigg

Well said. I always made sure to wish my remarkable mother a "Happy Mother's Day" .... but the longer I'm around the less I care, frankly. I did my best with what I had and what I knew and my children are/were who they are/were. There's a bond between us and I appreciate that.

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To me, it’s just another beautiful spring Sunday in May. Not a fan of any holiday which has veered off its original intent and into the abyss of consumerism and guilt.

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I think the original intent may have been lost right from the get-go. Once the advertisers got a glimpse of this holiday's potential it went whole-hog. No looking back now. It's a money-maker.

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Well, I do my part by not celebrating in the way my culture has decided is the status quo.

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May 12Liked by Ramona Grigg

I love being a mom, and today is just another day. We're spending part of our afternoon watching it son play flag football. And then there was the two year period when we were trying to get pregnant with our first child and today was a reminder of all the ways I was a failure. Today I remember the women who want to be mothers but aren't.

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I love that my children want to acknowledge my motherness on Mother's Day, but it's not a hill I'd ever want to die on. I was lucky to have a mom I wanted to be in touch with regularly and feel the same about them with me. Around here, birthdays and anniversaries are also pretty low key, but those being more uniquely ours, not some worldwide or nationwide command performance, I feel a bit differently on those occasions. Be kind. Be generous. Don't wait to be told. Glad things are working out for you, Ramona!

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Love this, Ramona. Thank you, thank you!@

My mum thought Mother's Day was just one big commercial crock. That every day should be Mother's Day - ie: a mother appreciated for what she did for her family. And that's what we generally did. She hated presents and cards, lunches and cakes on the day. Would much rather be doing things she wanted to do which in case was probably making cakes for us, stitching or in her beloved garden.

So I was inculcated early, feel exactly the same way and certainly don't want my family wasting money on my account. What my kids do is ring me every day to check in and if they have time we have a great chat. I see them often. It's all I need...

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Yes to all you wrote.

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I love your sincerity and clarity. Amazing how our truths emerge as we age. I'm not a Mom and I did read it through. I feel like all of the days are just days as I age so thank you so much for the permission to say so without shame or guilt. How about happy day to everyone!

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