To keep Trump’s rating LOW to 0 ....you must have your TV turned ON, but NOT tuned into any channel showing ANY inauguration coverage. Set your TV to the geographic channel or cooking channel!

- TVs must be on, but NOT tuned into channels covering Trump.

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Yup. Thanks for the reminder.

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Would it be helpful for Canadians to watch the cooking channel?

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Absolutely! They’re going to want to know what the world is doing.

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I don’t know - good question!

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I agree with Ramona - so ignore my ignorance

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I read most of the people you suggest (I’ll check out the others I’m not familiar with) plus I read - lawyers Robert Hubbell & Jay Kuo along with Jessica Cravens.

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Yes! Thanks.

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I also suggest Robert Hubbell.

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Done! Thanks.

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Thank you so much for this message. Let’s not waste energy in name calling the “other.” Let’s help others see what is happening before their eyes… on internet and journalist platforms, but also in real life, with family, friends and would-be strangers. 🙏

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We're going to need positive networking in order to stay sane. The days ahead will be frustrating. We already know we'll lose and they'll win most battles until the tide turns. The best we can do is work together to make a real difference to those people who will suffer the most. We have to be ready to help.

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I already follow most of these plus The Borowitz Report with Andy Borowitz, The Dean's Report with Dean Obeidallah, the Alt Media with Adam Parkhomenko and Sam Youngman. There are so many talented writers/journalists here.

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I proudly subscribe to Ramona!

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I appreciate your support, Scott, and I can't thank you enough for recommending Constant Commoner. I love seeing new subscribers coming over, thanks to you!

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As miserable as the election results were, I'm not overly concerned, at least at the moment. My usual response to political inquiries is that I am not afraid of Donald J Trump, and I don't think anyone else should be either. There are several reasons:

(1) The President's powers over the daily lives of US citizens, including you and I, are exceedingly limited, unto non-existent. The laws that apply to us are state and local laws, not Federal laws. The local zoning commission has more power over you or me than anyone in Washington, DC.

(2) Unless he's planning to finance a shipment of Hungarian mercenaries, he doesn't have any troops not previously pledged to uphold our Constitution, including the Postal Service. Every oath of Federal office includes that pledge, and we don't have any sort of tradition of rogue, paid, Presidential loyalists. It's certainly not clear who would apply for such a position. Our armed forces are staffed by officers and non-commissioned personnel who almost universally wish for two things: (a) no trouble, and (b) their pension. Much the same is true for state and local police, customs officials, the US Marshals, and the FBI.

(3) Even the weirdest right-wing militants seem to be dimly aware that the Second Amendment allows anyone to keep and bear arms regardless of political affiliation. The first stormtrooper who goose-steps down East Mulberry Street is likely to encounter a surprise, and not from me.

(4) Mr Trump is lazy, and our Federal government historically moves very slowly. I believe that the only major war that the US was reasonably well prepared for was our initial Revolution, though you could make arguments for WWI and the Civil War. All the others were surprises. Moreover, I don't see any indication of unity within either party in our Congress, which will make even mundane changes more challenging.

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Yes! steady, ready and willing. I'm in! Please consider Democracy Docket which is run by Marc Elias. He is the Lawyer that won 60+ cases for the 2020 election.

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Thank you! Don’t know how I missed it!

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Excellent list! Something here for everyone. I subscribe to most, but the indefatigable Meidas team (when do they sleep?) is especially valuable.

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They're amazing!

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Great list. Thanks for curating it. And thanks for including your name. Your voice is very much needed during these times.

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We have the same alternate news list! Thanks Ramona!

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Thank you for including Jess Piper's The View From Rural Missouri.

She's an outspoken blue dot in our very red state.

Her advocacy is not restricted to Missouri. She travels to other red areas to shine the light on concerns.

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Hey Ramona👋🏼

Excellent post! Brava!

All those names you listed-

Very fine resources👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

I even subscribe to God,

and a bunch of others. Love my Substack, but I only comment on others’ writings-none of my own.

Stay warm-stay cozy-stay healthy

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I’ll immodestly volunteer myself.

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Of course! Done. ❤️

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Precious human 🔝Truly loved all the people, all animals, and a tremendous gift to children🥇🙏🏼

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