I have decided laughter is the best weapon. Trump doesn’t like being laughed at neither does his mini-me. Laugh at them and tell them how weird they are…

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Plus, it drives him crazy.. crazier. So there’s that.

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Me too. Kamala's 'joy' campaign is working!

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I'm up here in rural Upper Peninsula Michigan and am also dismayed by the Trump signs. I also sadly assume that a Trump voter is behind every oversized American flag. I try to console myself by thinking that Trump voters are stupid enough to put out their signs, while anti-Trump voters (and I include here those traditional Republicans who leave the top of the ticket blank) don't feel the need to have a political display. Oh, God, I hope I'm right.

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🤞🏼keep your spirits up. Keep working. I’m in heretofore RED Orange County CA, though the Trump horrors it’s turning more and more purple…

I feel your pain and dismay. Oh! and my brother-in-law’s a Yooper!!


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I hate that they've co-opted our flag. It's the worst kind of hypocrisy, a flat-out insult, and proof that they have no feeling for our country and what it stands for. We've saluted and revered our flag from the time we were children, and I'm always surprised that there isn't more backlash to that insult alone.

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I am in central Illinois and we have way too many trump signs aaa well, some from 2016! We who are not trumpers don’t show signs for our own protection, but we know who we are!

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Sad, isn't it? Both the Trump signs and the fact that so many Dems have to worry about what will happen if they put out signs. Sign-stealing is one thing--that's been going on forever--but actual threats and vandalism are new since Trump. He has to go!

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Thanks for this post. Anything I add would be superfluous.

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When I was “home” in Michigan in April and May I was horrified by the Dar Leaf signs that were everywhere (Hastings, Michigan). I sure felt embarrassed for Michigan. I hope things are improving.

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Thank you for putting in words what I constantly think driving around my rural neck of the woods downstate. You know the old saying if there’s a cow in the county, they vote Republican, but it’s changing. Between Lansing(our state Capitol but nevertheless still sort of a cow town) and Lake Odessa, literally an East Jesus Nowhere rural town west of here, there are more Harris/Walz signs than trump signs! Kamala actually has a Rural Outreach director! We can do this! People are tired of the negativity, the threats and the constant gaslighting and Kamala’s joy is contagious. Also, take care of yourself. Find the big water vistas whenever you can!

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I’d never heard that saying about cows in the county, but it has to be true! I’ve seen it myself all across Michigan. I’ve never figured out why. The old ‘cutting off their noses to spite their faces’.

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I hope you’re going to feel better asap, Ramona💕Great post. I try to ignore Trump signs—so far there is only 1 in my neighborhood, but I suspect the quiet reds will wait.

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Thank you, Diane. I’m in good hands medically. They watch out for me, even when I gripe and moan because they have to! As for the Trump signs, I suspect taking on this new and fun attitude might just be healing, too.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Ramona Grigg

Ramona - Best writing ever!!! I would give you a million “likes” if I could. I made the same trip last week and had the same experience. Laughing my head off, then doubling down on work for the Harris/Walz/Dems all up and down the ballot here in Michigan. Thank you for this! 💙💙🇺🇸💙💙 Shared with so many friends & family.

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I would take a million likes, but one from you is enough, thanks. Cool that you made that same trip and felt the same. Something is rising in us. I suspect it’s Kamala’s message of hope and joy. We’ve been in the dumps for so long we were beginning to think it was normal. Now we’re alive again and look out! We’re going to win this thing!

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Re laughter: just by chance in a Pema Chodron book, I read that she says there's an old saying that if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill the Buddha. Then, parenthetically, she writes better yet, laugh at him. It reminded me that Trump can't bear being laughed at, and now here are you and others saying the same. Also noted that you say "our" billboards and signs "show that we’re here, that we’re excited...." I live in a remote rural area that is mostly blue, but still, when we drive the hour to our nearest village, we note the few tiny Trump signs and the many Harris signs with all kinds of cool messages, such as "veterans for Harris" and other cleverness. Best of all, yesterday, in a blue collar type store, we saw two women wearing Harris t-shirts. We were so thrilled we talked about it all the way home.

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Trump is notoriously thin-skinned for someone who lives to insult others, so laughing at him may be the best weapon possible. (Though if Obama hadn't laughed at him at the Press Club roast, Trump might not have thought to take that ride down the golden escalator and announce his candidacy for president--not that anyone in their right mind should have taken him as seriously as they did...)

But it's a new era now. All signs point to the end of the road for Trump, with the final blow a long prison sentence. Finally. And for so many reasons.

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A black man or woman laughing at him brings out his profound and ugly racism. He actually paid money for a full-page ad to urge the death penalty for five innocent young black men. His whole campaign was and is about banning people of color from America, as if people of color didn't inhabit the land white people invaded. I'm with you, Ramona. I believe we will soon see a new America, a better and even amazing America.

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It'll take work but it's worth it. We'll get there and we'll all be the better for it. Even those insufferable MAGA folks who will never show their gratitude by being normal human beings who leave their hate behind.

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I felt the same way driving back roads through Indiana to Michigan. Beautiful aggy land, autumn leaves peeking out, county fairs and small town celebrations…(I drove on Saturday and Sunday. ) what spoiled it all were the signs… and both Trump and American flags hanging across barns or on fences where the corn stalks rose . Stops I made saw tee shirts and red hats… but a few brave Kamala ones. For a moment I wished I had a ‘Kamalazoo’ tee or car sticker.. but then whimpy me said… they’ll know where you live! Shame on me. There was a huge field of sunflowers with a little cardtable along the road… selling tin cans of them for a $1. Tucked in along there were tiny Harris signs. Several spaced out and I couldn’t stop to get a picture. Sorry this so long but you’ve brought it all back… that moment touched my heart. 💙🇺🇸

Be well, stay well dear Ramona. I’m going to a rheumatologist soon… think it’s for autoimmune tests. Thank you for saying this all so well… you’ve nailed what a perfect POS he is and the feeling that joy and hope are contagious! Great writing from a great writer! Much love and big hugs! 🥰❤️🤗🤗🤗

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Speaking of saying it well...

I'm so with you, Joan! Good luck on your tests. And here's to our November celebration and subsequent throw-down of the Great Orange Menace. We're all in this together. ❤️

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I live in a purple swing state and my county is pretty red. My hairdresser moved to a new location, so a haircut today involved a 22 minute ride on a route I hardly ever drive. It's rural and there are homes and businesses along the way...and TONS of Trump signs (of all sizes), flags, banners, etc. And I agree that those signs will convince no one to vote for the convicted felon unless they're staunch MAGA who plan to do so anyway.

I remember driving it in 2020 and seeing the same thing, with a few Democratic signs sprinkled in (and feeling terrified that we would lose.) I told myself then that's because 'we on the other side' don't feel the same need for hyperbole. One stretch had 24 Trump signs in a row and another house was plastered with a variety of flags & messages including a very large FU*K BIDEN (now Harris) sign. I'm all for freedom of speech but this shouldn't be allowed. School buses drive past every day and it's just plain offensive.

Interestingly, I've NEVER seen a Democrat post a ridiculous amount of signs, etc. let alone using profanity on them. But, thankfully, that's because we're a different breed which is why we belong to the other party. I'm writing postcards to voters this afternoon and will continue to do so until November.

I pray that all reasonable Americans will do the right thing by our country and vote to save democracy. It's a gift I want to leave for future generations.

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4 hrs ago·edited 38 mins agoAuthor

I’ve always felt the same way—that we Dems don’t need to advertise or beg for votes. Our actions should speak louder. We get things done.

But our actions didn’t speak loud enough and we’re only now learning how to navigate the public relations aspects it appears we’ve long neglected, thanks to Kamala’s new direction.

Still, as you say, we’re not stupid about it. Our message is unity and equity. We can get those points across without being silly. And I love that. As someone wrote today, I would rather be us!

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Hello, Ramona, as a fellow substack writer, I have refrained from being appalled that supposedly half my fellow Americans do not see how loathsome Trump and the RINO Party are. I thank you all on substack who keep it up, but you're preaching to the choir here.

My concern is what we are going to do about this Catch-22 Election. If he loses, these plutocrats will support a blood-bath claiming an even bigger steal. If he wins, we cannot let him take office because the RINOs are staging a steal in the Electoral College. He is an unacceptable candidate and they know it means the death of the Republic. Why do we risk this happening? It's either Civil War or a non-violent splitting of the country into two governments, something made possible by the internet. I vote non-violence.

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Yes, I'm preaching to the choir and I believe it's a good thing. How else do we become aware of each other and come together to inform, enlighten, encourage, and strategize?

What are we going to do afterward? We can't anticipate what hasn't happened yet, nor can we predict what the Republicans/MAGA/Trump/the Supreme Court will do if we win. Or even if we lose. But never talking about it will get us nowhere.

I wonder why you would 'refrain from being appalled' when it's a perfectly natural reaction to some pretty appalling actions. I believe in nonviolence as well, but I also believe in liberalism and activism. I want my voice to be heard. This is the way I do it, and I applaud those who do it, too, in ways that work best for them and for us. We are truly all in this together.

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1 hr agoLiked by Ramona Grigg

We used to live in Traverse City. Such a pretty drive to Petosky. But, my kids are half white and all those Trump signs became a major issue for us when my kids started becoming targets in school. Patients of my husband would ask for an “American” doctor (which he is) because of his skin color. I really do hope things are getting better up there. But for me, the beautifulness of the area doesn’t make up for the ugly underbelly.

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I'm so sorry for the ignorance in our country. The dumbing down of America paved the road for Trump and his followers. The rest of us want desperately to reintroduce education and the values of equality. Your post is heart-breaking.

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44 mins ago·edited 2 mins agoAuthor

Leah, I'm so sorry. The one thing I wish for in these northern, very white reaches of Michigan is for more diversity and far more tolerance. I gave some real thought to my move here after living in the lily white, deep red Upper Peninsula. My children all live near Detroit, where for the most part Democrats of all stripes and hues are seen and heard and can run for office and win. I love the environment up here but not the politics. I would fit better down there.

Those folks pushing for Trump thrive on distrust and the lies that strengthen their own racism and misogyny. I wish there were enough of us to change that at the ballot box and thus deflect the pain and hurt they cause, so when I see our signs and hear our voices and read our thoughts, I rejoice.

We're on the move. We'll get there.

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1 hr agoLiked by Ramona Grigg

I absolutely agree that's it's just embarrassing for them all (as I hang my head and cover my eyes).

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