On Thursday, June 27, 2024, President Joe Biden got on stage with ex-’president’ Donald Trump for what some are still calling a ‘debate’, though any semblance of a real debate was apparently never in the cards.
Where were you in 1968, when we had a contested election in Chicago and we got Nixon? Or in 1980, when Ted Kennedy ran against Carter and we lost to Reagan? Bad, bad ideas. Democrats don’t need a jolt—the only ones who want that are Republicans or possibly working on a troll farm in St Petersburg.
Life raft or history to learn from? And contested nominations at a convention are part of history too. The last one was in 1968. I was 11, but I’ll never forget it. I grew up in Miami, and everyone was talking about the horrors of the Chicago convention and about how beautiful and pleasant it was on Miami Beach where Nixon was crowned. Now we have a primary system and use conventions to fire up the party and publicize our platforms. Going back to the old way now, when the convention is in Chicago again? No. Just no. It’s gotta be Biden-Harris.
I do. Right now, the only people I see still pulling for Biden are online. IRL (and I know I’m just one person), he’s lost almost everyone.
The debate might’ve just been 90 minutes, but it lifted the veil on conversations that have been happening for awhile. I’m on the other side of the lake in WI, and live in an incredibly blue part of an incredibly blue city. Even here, support is evaporating.
The GOP convention starts here next week. By all counts, attendance will be underwhelming. It’s really just a coronation for DJT.
How refreshing it would be to counter with a lively convention that does, well, exactly what a convention is supposed to do.
Who do you have in mind? What magic name can cut through the fear and division and suddenly unite the Democrats and make it all right again? Who could build the staggering war chest needed to pull this off? Who could step in and run the country as well as the Biden administration has been doing up to now?
No real leader would take up your challenge. Nobody is stepping forward to say 'pick me'. They may gripe but none of them want to take the chance of losing, either.
Harris,Whitney, Newsom, and Shapiro should all be in the conversation. That said, there isn’t a magic name, and that’s kind of the point. It was decided that Biden was somehow the magic name and the only one who could beat Trump, and that was that.
We had no real primaries (no, we didn’t), no debates, no nothing. It reminds of when I was a union rep and we’d have white ballot elections, except this time was by state and not by local.
I remain very concerned…we’ve been planning on selling our home… realtor coming over this morning… depending on the election outcome we may be moving closer to family in Pennsylvania or moving closer to my family in Canada…would rather stay in Pennsylvania… it’s been my home for over 40 years….don’t want to stay in this country with trump at the helm.
I can understand your concern. A Trump win would be disaster. Total disaster. That's why so many of us are working to avoid that. The outcome is still up in the air. It shouldn't be. There should be no chance for someone like Trump to be anywhere near the lead, but that's the reality right now.
This is what I'm doing to try and keep him out. It's my honest attempt. It's really all any of us can do. Go at it honestly.
For the right, it's loyalty. For the left, it's purity. For the rest, it's for the love of God get something done!
My first vote was for McGovern. We lived in Massachusetts and everyone we knew was voting for him. That was my first lesson in how the GOP could win. McGovern was a decorated WWII pilot with like 22 missions over Italy, and he thought the Vietnam War was a grave mistake. He was thickly painted as a weak-kneed pacifist weenie, and HE DIDN'T COME BACK AT THEM.
Then there was Al Gore, who didn't demand a recount in Florida "for the good of the country." Bush2 won by what? 1 vote in the Extreme Court? Imagine where we'd be in global climate action if Gore had been president! And no war in Iraq to regret...
Biden was great at the NATO gathering this week. He's got a ton of campaign money, a great administration team, and wonderful record to run on. The GQP has made it clear that they intend to make America an autocracy. The choice is plain: democracy or fascism. I'd vote for Joe if he were comatose. Get him in, trust the administration.
I remember. That lack of pushback, those remnants of political politeness, that need to ‘do the right thing for the people’, backfired in so many ways for Democrats.
John Kerry gave in too quickly, too. There were signs that election wasn’t quite kosher, either, and again we got GWB and more war. All good men, lost to us.
I’m glad to see Biden finally take charge. It’s what he needs to do. But he’s still only human. And he’s old. If he pushes too hard because he thinks people won’t tolerate anything less from him, he’ll exhaust himself and every appearance will be as bad as the ones in question now.
No shame in slowing down. He’ll still get it done, and he’ll get it done better than anyone else could right now.
Oh, lord! John Kerry! Another multiply decorated war veteran who was painted as a wuss by a guy who ducked the war and GOT HIS TEETH CLEANED while in the national guard for a few months. There were those Swiftboat assholes claiming Kerry wasn't wounded ENOUGH to get three Purple Hearts... and Kerry let it go by.
If only! To be clear, I think this is the best administration I’ve seen (or at least since I’ve been old enough to be aware.). But campaigns aren’t won on administrations, and for better or worse, they’re never won on rational analysis, either.
No, they’re won when and only when the people with the most at stake make an effort to make sure they’re won.
Biden will win if the people get behind him. So far the excuses for not getting behind him are based solely on the press and perception. The reality is, Joe is in the best place to win and he’s the best candidate.
His ‘failings’ are speculative and superficial. His successes are real. His chances of winning go up exponentially when the phony barriers are shed and we go all out and help him win.
I agree Ramona! He can do it… we must believe in him/his character and work ethic. Shame on those turning on him now… when he needs us most! Thank you for sating this all so well! Sharing! 🥰
Bravo to you engaging with Kevin! 🤨😄😉I’m sharing on Facebook as much as I can; watch my interview on CNN tonight or tomorrow between 8-9 re: his age/decline. You’ve heard of our gorgeous senior center bldg dow here… they came for that; asked to speak with like-aged seniors. Manager asked us advisory board to volunteer, so I did! ❤️🤍💙
Joe Biden knows how to get things done ✅ that is his life and he is the best we have. Stop the nonsense and get behind him. If Trump wins, democracy is lost. Do not let this happen ❗️
Hi Mona, I’m an ardent Democrat myself but, respectfully, I do not agree with you. Biden’s **denial** of his increasing weakness, mental and physical, is alarming. But most worrisome to those calling for him to step aside, myself included, is that he will LOSE the Nov. election because of his blind stubbornness and because he is no longer a strong candidate.
We will definitely have to disagree. I've given my reasons over and over. I don't believe Joe will lose in November, but I also believe he can't win without plenty of support. Taking it away won't help the Democrats vanquish Trump and his mob. Giving it wholeheartedly to the candidate at hand will.
Agreed. Joe Biden’s age was already a fetish for the media before the debate debacle. Now the idea that the White House had Joe wrapped in tissue paper all this time is totally baked in. It’s not at all fair, but people have insane expectations of the US President, so this was inevitable. I sat this as a 70-year-old who still works in high tech, and has always loved Biden.
My vote is for our respected achiever President Biden.
My relatives on their 80s and 90s had brains of people in their 40s. I have no reason to think President Biden won't retain his mental acuity.
As for his speaking voice many of us have speech impairments. Even though I am a speech teacher, I have a weak voice. President Biden had mostly overcome his stutter.
I really think his exhaustion and viral illness caused him not to be able to get out from under his stutter at the debate. I think it takes a lot of concentration for him—and it would for me too, hearing the firehose of falsehood spewing from Trump every time I opened my mouth, and I don’t have a speech impediment.
I’ve been trying to move on since debate night! I completely agree with you. I’m starting to see a tiny bit more coverage of Project 2025 now in my push notifications. I turned off the TV for the most part so I’m not sure what’s happening there. Republicans support their nominee no matter what. As someone said here a little while ago, we Democrats tend to get hung up on purity. Not me, though I must say our ticket reflects my values and beliefs completely. I’m still with Joe and Kamala. If we are all so afraid of Project 2025 we need to get behind our ticket and vote for them!
Ramona, I’m still in Joe’s camp but I am anxious. Not about Joe’s ability to lead, or even to win, but about all the constant histrionics in the press. And Nancy Pelosi’s statement yesterday. But last night an old friend called me out of the blue because she knew I’d be flipping out. Haven’t talked to her in 2 years. Not because of a falling out but because of life. She said, “Joe Biden in a coma is a better president than Donald Trump.” Then she said, “”He’s the only one who can beat him, and he’s going to win.” She was right in 2020, and in my heart I think she’s right today.
If our anxiety is caused by the antics of the press and those who want us to lose, it's misplaced. And kind of unfair, given that Biden is the victim of that misplaced anxiety. He's doing what he needs to do. He's doing what he CAN do. His age is a given. His flaws are a given. His success as the current president is a given.
He should win. He WILL win if we can get the bullshit to subside and get on with the job of electing him.
Trying to convince good people to put in the effort now is what's causing me sleepless nights! The Democrats have to win. We can't allow Trump back into the White House. That's our goal and if putting all of our efforts behind giving Biden the win is what it takes, then that's what it takes.
I agree completely, Gerry and Ramona. Biden has been among the best presidents of my lifetime. I still think he can win, but this pile-on is only helping Trump. I'm 100% behind Joe. He won the primaries resoundingly. He can win in November if people pay attention to what is happening in the GOP with Project 2025.
Congratulations on your accomplishment of being a parent at age 48yrs. George Clooney has no business of criticizing President Biden on his age. President Biden has already proven despite his age, he is a strong, successful leader of Democracy.
I'm just wondering here - so forgive me - but is it that the anti-Joe brigade also really dislike Kamala? I discussed the presidential election a few weeks ago (before the debate etc) with an American woman who expressed concern about Biden being too old. Somewhat callously, I said but if he actually became incapable or died, Kamala would be president. How amazing would that be? An intelligent capable Black woman president? She thought for a moment - then said - yeah I hadn't thought of that. She went on 'it's the only way she'd get to be president. America wasn't ready for a white woman, let alone a Black woman no matter how capable'
It just makes me wonder what is really going on in the heads of Dems who want to remove Joe.
There is some of that, for sure, but not as much as you might think. There are Kamala-haters, just as there are Biden-haters (and left over Hillary haters), but for the most part, Kamala Harris is liked and appreciated. That noise is sexist and racist and I tend to give it as much weight as it deserves. Which is none.
I just can't with these hand-wringing, attention seeking Dems anymore. Have these whiners even taken a moment to look up from their navels to notice the jack-boots in the streets and the existential threat of Project 2025. It's all easy enough to throw divisive wobblers when you're a well-heeled white dude without the same skin in the game as POC, fertile women, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and their assorted loved ones. I am livid that so many people I once admired would so thoughtlessly throw the most vulnerable among us under the bus. It's appalling.
It's not about Trump to me right now. It's Joe's struggle that's igniting my compassion- the realities of aging and the attempt to perform. I worked in geriatrics for decades and I can't ignore what I see.
He needs to rest. He needs to take it slower. He can do it at his own pace, but they won't let him. Or he thinks they won't. Either way he does himself no favors by listening to them and not his own mind and body. There's still plenty of fire left in him to get the job done. I'm sure of it.
It's probably no coincidence that you used as your header an image from what is unquestionably the most notorious political convention in American history. I hope the events that occurred then, on and outside of the convention floor, won't be repeated this time.
JFK was elected in 1960, I believe; he was assassinated in 1963. I couldn’t vote for him because I wasn’t old enough in Virginia, where my family lived at the time. But I agree with everything else you said. There are still some people in media who are loyal to Biden, like Lawrence O’Donell.
I'm happy that Lawrence O'Donnell is pushing for Biden. He has worked in Democratic White Houses and knows the drill. He also knows bullshit when he sees it.
I’d respectfully pushback and say that “chaos” at the convention is exactly the jolt of electricity we (the left) need right now.
Whatever gets democrats enthusiastic is the right path.
Where were you in 1968, when we had a contested election in Chicago and we got Nixon? Or in 1980, when Ted Kennedy ran against Carter and we lost to Reagan? Bad, bad ideas. Democrats don’t need a jolt—the only ones who want that are Republicans or possibly working on a troll farm in St Petersburg.
In 1968? Not quite born yet, but you’re brought up a great point. That was almost 60 years ago. Why are we still using that as a life raft?
You haven’t answered my question. Give me the magic name. Who do you have in mind?
I did. It’s further up thread.
Life raft or history to learn from? And contested nominations at a convention are part of history too. The last one was in 1968. I was 11, but I’ll never forget it. I grew up in Miami, and everyone was talking about the horrors of the Chicago convention and about how beautiful and pleasant it was on Miami Beach where Nixon was crowned. Now we have a primary system and use conventions to fire up the party and publicize our platforms. Going back to the old way now, when the convention is in Chicago again? No. Just no. It’s gotta be Biden-Harris.
Life raft, and if things stay the same we’re gonna ride it right off the cliff.
Because if we are not aware of history, we repeat it.
Please read the history of what has happened in our country since World War Ii.
100%, Susan.
A jolt of electricity can kill as well as revive. Which will it be?
My money says “revive.”
No, it isn't.
Polling data is telling a different story.
Chaos at the convention has not traditionally been a winning strategy for Democrats.
So be it. 2024’s as good a time as any to change that.
You really want to take that chance? Why? The greater chance is a guaranteed loss.
I do. Right now, the only people I see still pulling for Biden are online. IRL (and I know I’m just one person), he’s lost almost everyone.
The debate might’ve just been 90 minutes, but it lifted the veil on conversations that have been happening for awhile. I’m on the other side of the lake in WI, and live in an incredibly blue part of an incredibly blue city. Even here, support is evaporating.
The GOP convention starts here next week. By all counts, attendance will be underwhelming. It’s really just a coronation for DJT.
How refreshing it would be to counter with a lively convention that does, well, exactly what a convention is supposed to do.
Who do you have in mind? What magic name can cut through the fear and division and suddenly unite the Democrats and make it all right again? Who could build the staggering war chest needed to pull this off? Who could step in and run the country as well as the Biden administration has been doing up to now?
No real leader would take up your challenge. Nobody is stepping forward to say 'pick me'. They may gripe but none of them want to take the chance of losing, either.
And you say nobody wants Biden? Robert Reich begs to differ: https://robertreich.substack.com/p/who-exactly-is-trying-to-push-biden
Harris,Whitney, Newsom, and Shapiro should all be in the conversation. That said, there isn’t a magic name, and that’s kind of the point. It was decided that Biden was somehow the magic name and the only one who could beat Trump, and that was that.
We had no real primaries (no, we didn’t), no debates, no nothing. It reminds of when I was a union rep and we’d have white ballot elections, except this time was by state and not by local.
Harris, Whitmer, and Newsom have all committed to Biden. I don't know who Shapiro is. But it's not going to happen.
I remain very concerned…we’ve been planning on selling our home… realtor coming over this morning… depending on the election outcome we may be moving closer to family in Pennsylvania or moving closer to my family in Canada…would rather stay in Pennsylvania… it’s been my home for over 40 years….don’t want to stay in this country with trump at the helm.
I can understand your concern. A Trump win would be disaster. Total disaster. That's why so many of us are working to avoid that. The outcome is still up in the air. It shouldn't be. There should be no chance for someone like Trump to be anywhere near the lead, but that's the reality right now.
This is what I'm doing to try and keep him out. It's my honest attempt. It's really all any of us can do. Go at it honestly.
I am wringing my hands and despairing just like you, and I don’t even live in the USA. Please Americans just VOTE. It matters to the whole world.
For the right, it's loyalty. For the left, it's purity. For the rest, it's for the love of God get something done!
My first vote was for McGovern. We lived in Massachusetts and everyone we knew was voting for him. That was my first lesson in how the GOP could win. McGovern was a decorated WWII pilot with like 22 missions over Italy, and he thought the Vietnam War was a grave mistake. He was thickly painted as a weak-kneed pacifist weenie, and HE DIDN'T COME BACK AT THEM.
Then there was Al Gore, who didn't demand a recount in Florida "for the good of the country." Bush2 won by what? 1 vote in the Extreme Court? Imagine where we'd be in global climate action if Gore had been president! And no war in Iraq to regret...
Biden was great at the NATO gathering this week. He's got a ton of campaign money, a great administration team, and wonderful record to run on. The GQP has made it clear that they intend to make America an autocracy. The choice is plain: democracy or fascism. I'd vote for Joe if he were comatose. Get him in, trust the administration.
I remember. That lack of pushback, those remnants of political politeness, that need to ‘do the right thing for the people’, backfired in so many ways for Democrats.
John Kerry gave in too quickly, too. There were signs that election wasn’t quite kosher, either, and again we got GWB and more war. All good men, lost to us.
I’m glad to see Biden finally take charge. It’s what he needs to do. But he’s still only human. And he’s old. If he pushes too hard because he thinks people won’t tolerate anything less from him, he’ll exhaust himself and every appearance will be as bad as the ones in question now.
No shame in slowing down. He’ll still get it done, and he’ll get it done better than anyone else could right now.
Oh, lord! John Kerry! Another multiply decorated war veteran who was painted as a wuss by a guy who ducked the war and GOT HIS TEETH CLEANED while in the national guard for a few months. There were those Swiftboat assholes claiming Kerry wasn't wounded ENOUGH to get three Purple Hearts... and Kerry let it go by.
I know. Honor and dignity. Who knew what losers they would be?
If only! To be clear, I think this is the best administration I’ve seen (or at least since I’ve been old enough to be aware.). But campaigns aren’t won on administrations, and for better or worse, they’re never won on rational analysis, either.
No, they’re won when and only when the people with the most at stake make an effort to make sure they’re won.
Biden will win if the people get behind him. So far the excuses for not getting behind him are based solely on the press and perception. The reality is, Joe is in the best place to win and he’s the best candidate.
His ‘failings’ are speculative and superficial. His successes are real. His chances of winning go up exponentially when the phony barriers are shed and we go all out and help him win.
The stakes are pretty high, don’t you think?
The doctor who conveniently died soon after. Trump is such a wannabe mob boss. I don’t want to insult mob bosses with that statement.
Incredibly high. That’s why he needs to step aside.
I agree Ramona! He can do it… we must believe in him/his character and work ethic. Shame on those turning on him now… when he needs us most! Thank you for sating this all so well! Sharing! 🥰
Thanks, Joan. I want nothing more than for this to be shared and discussed. I'll make no bones about that.
Biden must win. Nothing must get in the way.
Bravo to you engaging with Kevin! 🤨😄😉I’m sharing on Facebook as much as I can; watch my interview on CNN tonight or tomorrow between 8-9 re: his age/decline. You’ve heard of our gorgeous senior center bldg dow here… they came for that; asked to speak with like-aged seniors. Manager asked us advisory board to volunteer, so I did! ❤️🤍💙
Let me know if there's somewhere I can watch your interview online. I'd love to see it!
Joe Biden knows how to get things done ✅ that is his life and he is the best we have. Stop the nonsense and get behind him. If Trump wins, democracy is lost. Do not let this happen ❗️
Hi Mona, I’m an ardent Democrat myself but, respectfully, I do not agree with you. Biden’s **denial** of his increasing weakness, mental and physical, is alarming. But most worrisome to those calling for him to step aside, myself included, is that he will LOSE the Nov. election because of his blind stubbornness and because he is no longer a strong candidate.
We will definitely have to disagree. I've given my reasons over and over. I don't believe Joe will lose in November, but I also believe he can't win without plenty of support. Taking it away won't help the Democrats vanquish Trump and his mob. Giving it wholeheartedly to the candidate at hand will.
Agreed. Joe Biden’s age was already a fetish for the media before the debate debacle. Now the idea that the White House had Joe wrapped in tissue paper all this time is totally baked in. It’s not at all fair, but people have insane expectations of the US President, so this was inevitable. I sat this as a 70-year-old who still works in high tech, and has always loved Biden.
But Trump is old, too.
My vote is for our respected achiever President Biden.
My relatives on their 80s and 90s had brains of people in their 40s. I have no reason to think President Biden won't retain his mental acuity.
As for his speaking voice many of us have speech impairments. Even though I am a speech teacher, I have a weak voice. President Biden had mostly overcome his stutter.
I really think his exhaustion and viral illness caused him not to be able to get out from under his stutter at the debate. I think it takes a lot of concentration for him—and it would for me too, hearing the firehose of falsehood spewing from Trump every time I opened my mouth, and I don’t have a speech impediment.
I think so, too, but really, does it matter? The fact is, he had a bad couple of nights and he’s back on track now. Crisis over.
Can we move on? Only the chronic naysayers can say for sure.
I’ve been trying to move on since debate night! I completely agree with you. I’m starting to see a tiny bit more coverage of Project 2025 now in my push notifications. I turned off the TV for the most part so I’m not sure what’s happening there. Republicans support their nominee no matter what. As someone said here a little while ago, we Democrats tend to get hung up on purity. Not me, though I must say our ticket reflects my values and beliefs completely. I’m still with Joe and Kamala. If we are all so afraid of Project 2025 we need to get behind our ticket and vote for them!
My most fervent wish…
Ramona, I’m still in Joe’s camp but I am anxious. Not about Joe’s ability to lead, or even to win, but about all the constant histrionics in the press. And Nancy Pelosi’s statement yesterday. But last night an old friend called me out of the blue because she knew I’d be flipping out. Haven’t talked to her in 2 years. Not because of a falling out but because of life. She said, “Joe Biden in a coma is a better president than Donald Trump.” Then she said, “”He’s the only one who can beat him, and he’s going to win.” She was right in 2020, and in my heart I think she’s right today.
If our anxiety is caused by the antics of the press and those who want us to lose, it's misplaced. And kind of unfair, given that Biden is the victim of that misplaced anxiety. He's doing what he needs to do. He's doing what he CAN do. His age is a given. His flaws are a given. His success as the current president is a given.
He should win. He WILL win if we can get the bullshit to subside and get on with the job of electing him.
Trying to convince good people to put in the effort now is what's causing me sleepless nights! The Democrats have to win. We can't allow Trump back into the White House. That's our goal and if putting all of our efforts behind giving Biden the win is what it takes, then that's what it takes.
My issue is WHO? The MSM will go after Kamala with a vengeance. Biden must win! I think Biden is strong enough to hold on through theses assaults.
He is a good man and has been a good President but all his accomplishments have never been reported properly
I agree completely, Gerry and Ramona. Biden has been among the best presidents of my lifetime. I still think he can win, but this pile-on is only helping Trump. I'm 100% behind Joe. He won the primaries resoundingly. He can win in November if people pay attention to what is happening in the GOP with Project 2025.
How about George Clooney not be a new parent to newborn twins at the age of 57yr; that’s a slap in the face of ageism isn’t it?
Girl! I had my twins at 48,,25 years ago! (Thank God for IVF.... So Repugnicans, keep your damn hands off women's choices)
I've also trained my kids in politics, they vote BLUE!
Joe Biden is part of the generation, like me, like Clooney, who are strong and devoted to getting things accomplished!
Hang tough folks, he will save Democracy!
Congratulations on your accomplishment of being a parent at age 48yrs. George Clooney has no business of criticizing President Biden on his age. President Biden has already proven despite his age, he is a strong, successful leader of Democracy.
Biden's struggle pains me to my core. I can't unsee it or "unfeel" it.
I'm paralyzed at this moment and don't have an answer........
I’m energized. The thought of Trump back in the White House is enough to spur me on until November. Plus, I’m on steroids again, so there’s that! 😏
I'm just wondering here - so forgive me - but is it that the anti-Joe brigade also really dislike Kamala? I discussed the presidential election a few weeks ago (before the debate etc) with an American woman who expressed concern about Biden being too old. Somewhat callously, I said but if he actually became incapable or died, Kamala would be president. How amazing would that be? An intelligent capable Black woman president? She thought for a moment - then said - yeah I hadn't thought of that. She went on 'it's the only way she'd get to be president. America wasn't ready for a white woman, let alone a Black woman no matter how capable'
It just makes me wonder what is really going on in the heads of Dems who want to remove Joe.
There is some of that, for sure, but not as much as you might think. There are Kamala-haters, just as there are Biden-haters (and left over Hillary haters), but for the most part, Kamala Harris is liked and appreciated. That noise is sexist and racist and I tend to give it as much weight as it deserves. Which is none.
I just can't with these hand-wringing, attention seeking Dems anymore. Have these whiners even taken a moment to look up from their navels to notice the jack-boots in the streets and the existential threat of Project 2025. It's all easy enough to throw divisive wobblers when you're a well-heeled white dude without the same skin in the game as POC, fertile women, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and their assorted loved ones. I am livid that so many people I once admired would so thoughtlessly throw the most vulnerable among us under the bus. It's appalling.
I'm with you, Heidi. I can't stop trying.
It's like the 'but her emails' crowd all over again. That sure worked out well!
It's not about Trump to me right now. It's Joe's struggle that's igniting my compassion- the realities of aging and the attempt to perform. I worked in geriatrics for decades and I can't ignore what I see.
He needs to rest. He needs to take it slower. He can do it at his own pace, but they won't let him. Or he thinks they won't. Either way he does himself no favors by listening to them and not his own mind and body. There's still plenty of fire left in him to get the job done. I'm sure of it.
I'm not so sure. I wish I was.........
Every word mine . Thank you💕
It's probably no coincidence that you used as your header an image from what is unquestionably the most notorious political convention in American history. I hope the events that occurred then, on and outside of the convention floor, won't be repeated this time.
No, it was very deliberate.
JFK was elected in 1960, I believe; he was assassinated in 1963. I couldn’t vote for him because I wasn’t old enough in Virginia, where my family lived at the time. But I agree with everything else you said. There are still some people in media who are loyal to Biden, like Lawrence O’Donell.
Oh, of course! Will fix! Thank you. Brain fart.
I'm happy that Lawrence O'Donnell is pushing for Biden. He has worked in Democratic White Houses and knows the drill. He also knows bullshit when he sees it.
Sad Dems running on the "I told you so" ticket.