I remember during 2016 feeling constantly like the thing Trump said this time was going to be the thing that would kill his chances. Finally! And it never happened. If anything, he grew more popular with every crazy thing he uttered, no matter how damaging it would have been to any other politician.
I remember during 2016 feeling constantly like the thing Trump said this time was going to be the thing that would kill his chances. Finally! And it never happened. If anything, he grew more popular with every crazy thing he uttered, no matter how damaging it would have been to any other politician.
I’m shocked that we’re still being shocked by things he says. I thought we would have taken to ignoring him long ago, no matter how much the press pushed it. But nope.
He is exhausting, a whirling dervish of rage and shame and venom. I don't think we will ever be rid of him or his influence. Our country has never dealt with such a monster before.
No, never. I can’t even imagine what the future holds for all of us. This has unnerved us to such a degree we often have to pretend we know what we’re doing when it comes to Trump and the Republicans. We don’t. They’re deliberately unpredictable, and they’re deliberately mean. And it works for them.
Chalmers Johnson wrote three books predicting the decline of the American Empire dating as far back as the 90s, but he never saw anything like T possible.
I remember during 2016 feeling constantly like the thing Trump said this time was going to be the thing that would kill his chances. Finally! And it never happened. If anything, he grew more popular with every crazy thing he uttered, no matter how damaging it would have been to any other politician.
I’m shocked that we’re still being shocked by things he says. I thought we would have taken to ignoring him long ago, no matter how much the press pushed it. But nope.
He is exhausting, a whirling dervish of rage and shame and venom. I don't think we will ever be rid of him or his influence. Our country has never dealt with such a monster before.
No, never. I can’t even imagine what the future holds for all of us. This has unnerved us to such a degree we often have to pretend we know what we’re doing when it comes to Trump and the Republicans. We don’t. They’re deliberately unpredictable, and they’re deliberately mean. And it works for them.
Chalmers Johnson wrote three books predicting the decline of the American Empire dating as far back as the 90s, but he never saw anything like T possible.