You may have written this in 2010 - but it's perfect for today! Particularly the "being old" bit - our stake in what's happening is huge! We've lived through much more than those who are younger and have no personal memory of those times when the values that underpin constitution began eroding and the consequences we see today!

So keep it up Ramona! Our age is our strength! We Remember! It might behoove those who are younger to listen up!

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Being old has its advantages sometimes. It means we've been there, done that, and we can be here to warn. All we need are listeners! (Thanks for being here, Judith.)

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Ramona, I will subscribe tomorrow. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy reading your posts. Today is the Economic Blackout Day....so your subscription will be my first purchase tomorrow. Thanks for all the wisdom.

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Oh my gosh, Jo, thank you! And thank you for observing the No Purchases Day. Me too!

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Don't stop speaking the truth! The oppositional momentum is growing and it seems like it's taking way too long. However, the truth is poking through and yay for the immediate corrections of misinformation by visiting dignitaries on TV for all to see. The Medicaid cuts will affect the MAGA cult deeply and they will soon understand what that means. The truth of it all will continue to explode and the implosion of this coup is coming.

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I feel it, too, Lisa, but I thought I'd felt it before and I was wrong. I never doubted for a minute that Kamala Harris would win. I'm still not convinced she didn't, but the fact is, millions of Americans decided not to vote for her, even when the stakes were this high. I just feel the need to keep on fighting to convince them. I don't know what else to do. We live in a country where too many people think their votes don't matter. That's just lunacy, given the evidence right in front of their noses that voting is everything.

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There is NO reason to take the Lord's name in vain!

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Kathy, I removed my flip answer to you. Let me just say this: I have earned the right to say what I want to say in any way I want to say it. If you're offended, I can't be sorry. I do take note.

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Yes, Ramona, HARRIS lost the election because too many "Democrats" are (hidden) racist-mysoginists,, they felt "too guilty " to vote Repuglican, so they DID NOT VOTE. But intelligent people know a "non-vote" hurts the challenger more.

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I don't buy that. Sorry. That may be true of some, but we're talking millions of non-voters here. I don't have a good answer for why so many millions chose not to vote, but they most likely didn't do it out of deception or racism or misogyny. They just didn't see it as something they needed to do. They might have believed their single vote doesn't count. Or they bought into 'neither party deserves my vote'. Or they thought Kamala had it in the bag so why should they bother? Whatever it was, we need to do a better job of getting through to them next time. We're going to need them more than ever.

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We have big problems (many of our own making) which can only be addressed by effective government.

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Exactly! We need to do a better job of getting that message out. We can't let them lie about what government does so they can destroy it.

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The right has been writing (and riding) the myth that government is bad for the working class, as a mask for corporatists picking our pockets. We need to tell that story. We have failed to do so for decades.

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Which is why I posted this today. As a reminder that this struggle is not new; nor is the resistance.

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Thank you, Deb.

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I feel like Cassandra. How about you?

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I have for a long time. I’m still not used to it. I thought it would only be temporary.

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Thank you again Ramona! and keep on battling the good fight! Your spirit is energizing and needed. 😉

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Thanks! That’s why I’m here.

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We need to throw some ‘T’ into Boston Harbor.

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Count me in with the "warners." What is going on today scares me - and breaks my heart all at the same time.

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Me too. My stomach is in such an uproar over that press conference with Zelensky I can barely keep it down. This is not healthy, but neither is what's happening in this country. If Trump gets away with this, he'll get away with anything. Are those people in Washington who swore to protect us from enemies within really going to sit back and let this happen???

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The press conference with Zelensky in a word was shameful. I just listened to Adam Kinzinger's - emergency video. And in answer to your question, I hate to say it, but I think the answer is yes. Who have we seen stand up to Trump and any of his plans?

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Great post, Ramona! And here is what I consider a Ray of Hope. And that is that Democratic governors are banding together to use their collective power and influence. May this continue to grow -- although it does hint as a sort of cyber-civil war, perhaps.

Case in point: Josh Shapiro united governors from New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Illinois to push PJM into a settlement that caps auction prices at $325 per megawatt per day, down from $500 — directly lowering costs for millions of households.

This victory means billions in consumer savings and protecting working families from another industry cash grab.

Another: Rachel Bluth and Melanie Mason of Politicoreported today that the country’s 23 Democratic state attorneys general have been working together to stop Trump’s unconstitutional actions. Under the urging of then–attorney general Bob Ferguson of Washington state in February 2024, they began to prepare for cases based on Trump’s campaign statements, taking them seriously as potential policies, and on Project 2025, which they recognized would play a big part in a second Trump administration.

My idea: So there are 23 Democratic governors. They all belong to a Governor's Association. They all take the heat when their state is falling apart. They all give a "state of the state" address every year, right?

But what if they banded together and agreed that on a particular day (like the first Wednesday or some such) of EVERY MONTH, they held a press conference and reported the "STATE OF OUR STATE UNDER TRUMP.”

They would report how many people had become homeless, out of work, lost fortunes, committed suicide, died from lack of decent health care, or from delayed medical care during pregnancy, closed down their business, had bird flu, had farmers unable to get their crops harvested, had hospitals and nursing homes close down, had seniors out on the streets, had bankrupted businesses because Trump killed Biden's America Rescue Plane, had planes crash, had environmental disasters and no Federal funding, had a building crisis because there were no undocumented workers that usually did construction, etc.

Month by month, they would collectively beat the same drum, chronicling the amount of growing suffering in their state and how they were trying to deal with it. And how it limited their resources as per other states. California, for example, could explain why it can no longer send any money out of state to red states, as it usually does.

They show videos. They interview angry constituents. Hour-long addresses, each time. It will have to be covered by the media. Each will be available on YouTube. A whole collection of hurt in 2025.

This is "Don't tell me, SHOW ME!" No more abstractions and spins by a corrupted media. Governors can't lie as easily as Trump if there's a mob of fury outside their Capitol.

If even half of our Democratic governors did this, senators and representatives in Congress would have to grow some balls, wouldn't they? They are waiting for a big push from somewhere to take action. What better way?

If more governors did this, the angrier people would become and more intent on following the next month's report.

(At the same time, governors could chronicle how many millions of our money Trump spent on golf that could have gone to something good for the state).

Who knows, maybe some red state governors would start to join in. Strength and courage in numbers! Your thoughts? If anyone like this idea, please share! If enough people like, maybe it can reach some governors and actually happen!

Your thoughts?

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