Jared Yates Sexton

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Thank you. Done!

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This is an amazing list. I am humbled to be included. Ramona, you are doing the work, Ms. Grigg.

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Thank you, Gloria. It’s you all who are doing the work. This is the army we’re going to need.

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The Opinionated Ogre. He live-streamed the Treasury Building demonstration yesterday plus he’s good at forecasting the next movements of the opposition.

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Thanks! Missed him!

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I would second Opinionated Ogre, but also wanted to point out a tiny error- Abortion Every Day is written by Jessica Valenti. Great list!

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Thank you! Will fix!

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Thank you for including me Ramona! I’m honored.

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Of course! Thank you for all you do.

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I love doing it and I’m glad people seem to appreciate it.

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Ramona, list is great! If no one else has mentioned these movement-organizing sites, you might add:

Indivisible (https://indivisible.org)

#buildtheresistance (https://www.buildtheresistance.org)

These are good for getting info about upcoming protests.

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Thanks, Martha. I'll add them now!

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Excellent lists of resistance reporting,news, and activism! You could also add Pro Publica (https://www.propublica.org/) + *On the Media* from WNYC (Brooke Gladstone and Micah Loewinger https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm) + the tech reporters at *Wired* who are digging into Musk's DOGE employees (https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-doge-recruiting-palantir/)

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I appreciate this, Martha. I don't always know which groups are acceptable to most. I trust your judgement!

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Hello, Ramona, I feel about this handing over the country to this despicable character exactly as you do. I paid to subscribe to both your substacks because you have no other media income, whereas, I resist paying my limited income to people who do (although I broke down and paid Heather Cox-Richardson finally and will probably pay Timothy Snyder, too). I published my substack essays before the inauguration pleading with all Americans not to do what Goebbels marvelled about democracy -- surrender to fascism because they cheat legally.

I still don't believe Trump won, and not only because of gerrymandering and fake challenges to Dem voters, but because Starlink was used to upload the results to federal tabulators. I pleaded for the Democrats to introduce a bill to "lift the constitutional ban from Trump holding office as an insurrectionist" because the Constitution requires Congress do this before he can hold office, by a 2/3 vote. If this had been done, the country would have been totally aware he could not hold office because he would never have got the ban lifted. I see you have not included my substack articles in your list of those of us fighting for our sanity. As Steve Schmidt says in every post, it is extremely difficult to get substack readers unless you are well-known.

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Thank you, Michelle. I really do appreciate both your faith in me and your remarks here. I will never understand why the Democrats didn't hold off conceding until after a thorough investigation of voting inconsistencies. Never. Or that they didn't use the one amendment that would have stopped Trump cold. The constitution says he shouldn't have been allowed to run again. But here we are, with both hands tied behind our backs and not a magician among us.

Still, if we can convince enough people to join us in this fight we might just get somewhere. That's where our numbers come in, and why I want to be one of those with a large enough following that some attention will be paid to what I have to say.

Thank you again. From the bottom of my heart.

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So will you include my substack in your list of allies?

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I have many Substack friends who aren't on my list. They're doing their parts and I admire them for it, but if I were to include everyone I know who is fighting this battle it would be never-ending. I hope you understand.

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Great list! Thank you for compiling and sharing it, Ramona.

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Great list. I’d add @milab (Adam’s Nat 4 stack) and Truth about Threats by Paul Cobaugh.

These two writers have been incredibly helpful to me and probably would be helpful to others, too.

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